Thursday, July 9, 2020

21st Century Parables - The Good Neighbour

Once upon a time a pastor came to Jesus and asked his "what do I need to do to have eternal life?"

Jesus asked the pastor, "what does the Bible say, and how do you understand it?"

The pastor responded "'Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength' and 'love your neighbour as you love yourself.'"

"Correct" replied Jesus, "do this and you will live forever".

"Ah yes" asked the pastor, looking to trap Jesus, "but who is my neighbour?"

Sighing heavily, Jesus told a story...

"There once was a black man walking along the road minding his own business when a gang of white men jumped him, tied him to the back of a pick-up truck, and dragged him along the road, whilst laughing at the man's plight, and live broadcasting it on social media. When the man's body was a pulpy, bloody mess, they stole his wallet, and left him for dead on the side of the road.

A few minutes later, fresh from a church meeting, and wearing his Sunday best, a televangelist saw the man in the road. Offended by the man's obvious lack of faith in allowing himself to be beaten near to death, the televangelist held his nose, hailed a taxi, and carried on, never thinking of the man in the street again.

Not long after, an elder of the church happened on the man, as he lay limp and near lifeless on the curbside. Not wanting to besmirch his reputation, or spoil his fine shoes, he snapped a picture to share on social media, using the hashtag #thoughtsandprayers, crossed the road, and carried on his way.

A little later an atheist was walking the street and saw the man. Showing compassion for his fellow man, the atheist ran to him, staunched the man's bleeding, using his own clothes as bandages. He called the ambulance and rode with the man to the hospital, ensuring he was admitted immediately.

As the atheist sat in the waiting room, the hospital administrator came to him and asked if he knew whether the man had health insurance to pay for his care, without which the hospital were prepared to return him to the street that evening. Taking out his credit card, the atheist told the administrator "this man needs the same care as rich people, see to it that he gets it" and left a deposit with the hospital, promising to pay the balance when the man was released, healthy and fit again".

Jesus turned to the pastor and asked "who was the neighbour to the black man here?"

Reddened with shame, the pastor answered "the one who cared for him".

"Go and be like the atheist" replied Jesus.